Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ninja Pizza: A Defense

On Saturday, loyal readers may have noticed some clown-ass or other (questionable snax) attacking me (Harry Potter 5778) for "not giving up the pizza." Obviously, a defense of my actions is required, lest others see the post and, mistaking lies for truth and slander for fact, believe I was out of line. Let me first say, I understand the pizza rules. If I have pizza and my buddy doesn't, and my buddy is all up in my grill asking "I can haz pizza?", I will throw said buddy a slice of said pizza. All the time, everytime. That said, in this case, the pizza was all gone by the time said said buddy asked for said slice of said said pizza, so there was nothing I could do. I am sorry to have caused a visit to "fucking frown town," but my hands were tied.

Harry Potter 7231, signing off.

P.S. Its my pizza. Deal with it, you human paraquat!