Friday, February 19, 2010

My God, it's full of Starrs'

It’s Friday once again, so you all know what that means: Grind City is hitting the streets with Sensual Sax at the helm. While I was working to put together this week’s pile of debauchery, I heard through the grapevine that none other than Baylor’s current president, Kenneth Starr has hit the streets as well in a grassroots campaign to promote his new Album: Kenneth Starr Country Superstarr.

Grind City loaned out the Shaggon Whagon and we hit the road in search of the man himself.

After 36 hours, 5 states, and 37 bean and cheese burritos later, we found Ken and quickly got the scoop on just what the American public can expect from Kenneth Starr Country Superstarr.

Ken, as someone who comes from a background in law, and real Red-blooded statesmanship, what brought about this transformation into the music industry?

I’m glad you asked me that Sax, I can call you Sax right? Sax, I have always been about the American people, for the American people, and of the American people. But these people don’t want to listen to me prattle on about boring testimonies, and mind-numbing litigation. They want to feel, they need music for their soul, and that’s what I believe they’re going to find when they pick up my album. I don’t think I could give them that had I not spend my entire life in the political circles. No Sax, I consider the first 63 years of my life to be a complete and utter waste. But I’ve learned from that mistake.

So we know your album is going to be getting to the real nitty-gritty of your existential crisis, but what can listener’s expect to hear?

Well, the album really runs the gamut, but expect to hear such classic’s as: Lewinsky’s Ring of Desire, The Clinton’s Went down to Whitewater, Vince’s in low Places, Blackwater Rising, Live Like You Were Lovitt, and plenty more Sax, it’s a beautiful album, absolutely beautiful. The ballads are sultry and sensual; in fact, they’re right up your alley.

I had a chance to listen to The Clinton’s Went down to Whitewater, and I have to say, I liked what I heard. The kazoo quartet really helped signify the poignancy of the track. Do you feel that inclusion of less mainstream instrumentals were key defining your own sound?

Oh most definitely. I mean, sure I could have tailored the sound to be just another McGraw, or Flatts, but then what would I really be saying? No, those sweet young boys are just corporate stooges sucking on Satan’s cock. I’m here to show America they don’t have to bow down in front of these little peckers and slather away over their albums.

I couldn’t help but notice the hat.

You like that do you? Well so do I. So much so I finished off the whole case. [Nudges].

Some say that one of the reasons country music never gets the same respect that rock&roll does is that country music stars never suffer the same fates. Do you feel that this turn in your life is going to affect the way you die as well?

Well, Sax, we could all be so lucky as to asphyxiate on our own vomit. But it’s just not in the cards. Most of your politicians, your pundits, they die from heart disease, and brain hemorrhages and just plain old age. As a country music superstarr, I’m hoping to push past those puny death knells and move up to your alcoholisms, and your tax evasions, and if I could be so lucky, to die from a broken heart. That’s every country musician’s dream. And I just know there’s some philly out there waiting to steal every penny I got and stomp my heart to the curb. I really believe that’s the American dream that I’m singing for.

Well, this has gone swimmingly Ken. I’d just like to close this out with one final question.

Fire away hoss.

Would you rather
A: Be peanut butter on white bread?
B: Peanut butter on wheat bread?
Or C: A Jew in Nazi Germany?

Well G, Sax, that’s a toughie. You better give me a couple weeks to squat over that humdinger of a pickle. You planning on making to the Tulsa Show Your Man How to Make Jam benefit concert?

Wouldn’t miss it for the world Ken.

Yea-haw. I’ll have you a bonafide answer to your brain-pickin’ conundrum then Sax. Thanks for stopping by, and here’s an autographed copy of the album for that big lug in the bear rug.

Well, Grinders, I hope this little chat we got to do with Ken excited you as much as it did me. You can find Kenneth Starr Country Superstarr at all your local retailers and street corner hustlers. This is Sensual Sax once again saying Grind Hard, Grind Often, Grind On, Grind Off.

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