Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Look out, Canada!!

Canada, you have incoming!!

Earlier this evening, the beginnings of a dark and dirty deed were thought up, and this is to serve warning to our neighbors to the north- don't get cut, bitch!

The Beginning:
So Questionable Snax and I were straight pink bag thuggin' it over at the Rookination Station, and were discussing our upcoming PTQ wins in Denver and Boise. Thats only two though, and we'd feel bad for big willy if he didn't get one too- not bad for him that is, but bad for us. That man cries like a beyotch, and you haven't seen awkward until you make a man cry by dream crushing him and then made him drive you eight hours back to home base. So, we have to have a third. I brainstormed like a J2.0, and decided we'd have to head towards america's hat, Canada, for another PTQ I knew was somewhere in that area. Little did either of us realize what we had unleashed...

The Next Phase:
We knew we needed to have a way to identify ourselves, in case we needed to be dug out of a snowdrift or whatever (its Canada, the fuck do we know about the Mysterious Neighbor?) So, it was agreed we'd have to rep the hometown with some ballerific U.S.A. flags, all over us more than rollerskates on Josh. After this was decided, we thought- why not take it to the NEXT LEVEL?!?

The Next Level:
If we're already taking American flags with us and repin' the hometown, shouldn't we be passing flags out to the poor, confused canadians? After all, its not their fault. It was agreed we'd have to show up with some class, so we needed a monster truck obv. A monster truck with a bunch of full size american flags around the sides, and we'd roll up in the back, and toss the flags out as we jumped out. But there was a flaw...

But What If...?
The obvious flaw here, as we saw it, was they might not want the flags. They are evil heathens, after all. So, we needed a breakthrough- then we had it!! You know how most flags have a decorative point on the top of the pole? Well, ours wouldn't be decorative, if you know what I mean.

Putting It All Together:
So, we're going to go to the Canadian Wilds for a PTQ, in a monster truck, with a few dozen American flags around the bed in back with sharpened points, and when we arrive we'll stab them through the table and claim the unclaimed, unsettled and uncivilized land for amerrca.

Now, you know the plan. I'm sure your only question is: How can I get down? What can I do to help?
Well, we need a monster truck. Anyone kind enough to donate one to the plan will be allowed to put the design of their choice on the mudflaps. So long as it doesn't suck, that is.
For those of you questioning the wisdom of putting our plan out there, I can only say "You IDIOTS!! EVERYONE knows Canadians can't READ!!"

This is Harry Potter 4567, with Blood Moon Dan With The Blood Moon Plan, signing off.
Keep your ear to the grindstone.

1 comment:

  1. You boys are strait backpack jamming up to the wilderness. But dear ol' Sax has to blow your buzz--Polar bears love jam. and jam lovin' polar bears will steamroll the Grindcity into jellyroll bear buffet. Sad panda's abound.
