Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Magic Lessons From Lil Wayne

Welcome back, Grinders. Our discussion today discusses a certain Baby- Weezy F, to be exact. Even if we stopped stopped him, we couldn't stop him. Now, besides being clinically insane, Lil Weezy is a Martian, and a monster. Clearly, we have much to discuss.

all about a dollar, like four quarters
1) If its bullshit you want, its bullshit I'll share
Lil Wayne is the German Juggernaut of Rap. He has made a career of giving in better than anyone else. While Kai was playing the best deck, just better than anyone else, Weezy was steadfastly refusing to push the envelope and was creating the songs that sounded more like every other hit on the the radio, collectively, than any other single song.

Just give in.

2) Sick with it, six digits/ big engines, get lots of head like six midgets
From these erudite lyrics, we can discern several insightful points about our favorite drug abuser. First and foremost, he's sick with it. What does that mean, exactly? Is that bad meaning bad or bad meaning good? Or, is he hustling sideways- could that be bad meaning a bag of dicks in the eye? Lets dig deeper- his next phrase, six digits, is equally perplexing. Why does he seem to think he has six digits? Does he? With big engines, Wayne begins to explain the mystery. Clearly, he has big engines. Unfortunately, this presents another puzzle- does he have cars that have big engines, or does he himself have big engines? Is Lil Wayne a robot? He uses auto-tune so much, maybe that's become his real voice. The final line, get lots of head like six midgets, is the most straight forward line. This has no other interpretation possible but that he is a hydra.

For the grinder, these lessons are easy to apply. Besides telling us to just break down and play the best deck, which we always know we should and never do, we need to focus more on misrepresentation. First, be sick with it- just play the best deck better than the other guy. Then, represent six digits- play with your opponents' heads until they need a bucket, F. Karsten style. Also, don't forget your big engines and to get lots of head like six midgets. Here, Lil Wayne is kindly helping to spread his wisdom by letting us know we should aspire to be as he is- a robot hydra, obv. Probably firebreathing, too. Aspire for that one too, 'cause, well, mise.

3) Got a million duffled up, for the fuck of it
Here, Lil Wayne is lowering his guard and allowing a rare moment in which we are able to completely comprehend him. He got a million dollars put in a duffle bag, because whatev.s.
Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. Fuck it.

Sometimes, best deck or no best deck, you have to play something dumb. Whether that's a foiled out Scute Mob/ Gigantiform combo deck, Mono Red, Allies, or MXL3000, you have to do something the math says is subpar, because it needs to be done.*

4) Bitch watch me, bitch watch me, bitch watch me, bitch watch me!
Another example of Lil Wayne's considerable vocabulary, he again kicks knowledge to those less educated than himself. How kind. Lil Wayne wants you to watch him. Yes, you, bitch.

Watch your opponent, because you never know when they'll try to morph a Compulsive Research, put a card in from outside the game, or play six Arcbound Ravagers. Also, call them a bitch, because mise.

5) Now all my Blood's scream Soo Woo and Da Da Doo

I've got nothing on this. Wayne is just good old crazy.

6) If I had one guess, I'd guess I'm just New Orleans
Lil Wayne is fairly sure he's from New Orleans.

Rep your hometown, grinders. Bozeman Fieldpush from yesterday until forever ever (ever-ever, ever-ever, ever-ever) If the guy on the other side of the table doesn't want to flip said table, you are hustling backward.

There you have it, Mighty Fighty Grind City Point Stars- Magical lessons by way of Weezy F. Baby. Check back later, and we may have some more from Tupac's Witch-ass.

This is Harry Potter 4587, Signing off.

*There's no reason to play Mono Red. That was a typo. Ditto for Allies- just say no.