Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Welcome back to class, suckers! Harry Pizzle's going to fill you in on another oft-mentioned tale of GrindCity shenanigans- don't be the only one in the room to not know.

This story starts with a barrel shaped GC affiliate, by the name of Josh. Some have described him as the worst good player in town, others have called him the best bad player, but everyone agrees that he is shaped like a barrel. Tell your friends. Whether he's at the top of the bottom or the bottom of the top, it is clear he misplays himself out of a game or two from time to time. Sometimes, it can be seen from a mile off that he is moving in that direction; our tale concerns one of these occasions. Josh was attempting to pilot The Blue Menace (Faeries) against I forget who. Like a fat person's legs, it doesn't matter. He had a Vendilion Clique in play. For the uneducated amongst you, the V. Clique gets its Legend Status on like DJ Jazzy Jeff's accomplice (think about it, discuss in the forums).
Also in the mix is Sexy Chubs. Sexy Chubs is watching from afar, with his sights on Josh, waiting to pull the trigger.
As the game goes on, Josh continues playing stuff, and Sexy keeps circling overhead, a hawk ready to strike.
The world turns, jam fills backpacks, and still Sexy watches.
An Age passes. Sexy waits...
Josh casts Vendilion Clique...
And finally, in that moment of weakness, SEXY CHUBS STRIKES!!!!
Sexy comes running across the room, shoving people out of his way as he rushes to the scene of the misplay. His terrible war cry was heard the magic playing world over, and yet turns the blood of experienced mages cold when they recall his chant of "LEGEND RULE!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!"
Josh had forgotten his Cliques were legendary, and had played a second one while the first was still in play, causing them both to die- but he hadn't realized it yet. He looked up, his face frozen in horror, and paused to try to figure out why Sexy was running at full speed towards him. (You'd freeze if you saw that too. I promise.)
"Legend Rule!!!" repeated Sexy Chubs as he continued maneuvering towards the game, frozen in place like a train behind Comic Book Guy. Arriving at the table, Sexy Chubs picked up the V. Clique in play and yanked the second one from Mr. Barrel's hand, and slapped them into the graveyard, laughing all the while.

Josh lost the game.

Love to continue filling you in, you Mighty Fighty folks you, but I'm afraid that's all for Harry Potter 7015 today- I have to get back to other deeds. After all, Ryan's sister isn't going to seduce herself.

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